Freedom requires you to know yourself

“But how did you come to integrate all of these tools and understandings?”

This is the question that a client asked me this morning.

Her question brought me back to this thirst for understanding of individual functioning and deep identity (who I am on a Soul level, what did I come to contribute in this life?), which carries me for so long. First for me, then for others.


A quest that led me to focus on the multidimensional aspect of the human being, on our physical, emotional, mental and energy functioning…

On the conditioning, memories and other blockages that cut us off from our true nature…

The unique identity of each person and the place of the collective unconscious…

This research led me to explore many fields, with naturopathy, holistic aromatherapy, nutrition, Akashic Memories, Human Design, neo-shamanism, the quantum approach… And also foreign languages and communication. …

If you recognize yourself in a multiple and coherent approach at the same time, it is that you are perhaps a Manifesting-Generator, like me. The discovery of my type in Human Design has also played a big role in understanding and reconciling my multi-passionate nature.

My deepest conviction is that, by coming back to yourself, to who you really are, you offer yourself inner freedom and the means to contribute something unique and indispensable to the world.

You give yourself the right to live your life in your own unique way, and you come back to your sovereignty and your inner truth. We free ourselves from the reflex / conditioning of seeking answers outside and letting ourselves be dictated by a limited and limiting vision of the world.

And we also develop the ability to accept ourselves and others in the difference and to enrich the world.

It all starts with a return to oneself, through this curiosity to reconnect with who we really are and to dare to show it.

If you are ready to explore deeply who you are at Soul level and embody it, I’d be honored to be your guide. Join me for a deep dive in a Frequency Session or in Immersion, or come and learn to connect to your Truth through the Akashic Records. It is time to answer your Soul’s calling.

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